- adj.永不满足的;贪得无厌的
- All the devouring and insatiate Monsters imagined since imagination could record itself, are fused in the one realisation, Guillotine.
自从想象得以实现以来,有关饕餮颟顸不知饱足的种种恶魔的想象便都凝聚在一个发明上了,那发明就是断头台。 - From what I know, People have much less time to insatiate with the feelings of love.
据我所知,人们没有多少时间来浸泡在爱的感觉当中。 - The Destroyer brings under his sway the person of distracted mind who, insatiate in sense desires, only plucks the flowers (of pleasure).
采(欲乐之)花的人,心执著于欲乐,他无法满足己欲,只有被死魔征服。 - The temporary material happiness is merely the gratification of some desire. When the desired thing is gained, another desire arises. Insatiate are all desires.
短暂的物欲快乐仅是一些贪欲的一点点满足。当获得希求之物,另一欲望生起。贪婪永远得不到满足。 - He is insatiate for wealth.