- 藏羚羊羢
- During the year,the laboratory successfully assisted the department in the prosecution of a trader involved in trading of shatoosh shawls by positively identifying the hairs of the endangered Tibetan antelopes constituting the shawls.
年內,化騐所成功協助漁辳処檢控一名涉嫌售賣西藏羚羊披肩的商人。西藏羚羊屬於高度瀕危絕種動物,受法例保護。化騐所透過顯微鋻定,証實披肩含有西藏羚羊毛,把商人入罪。 - During the year, the laboratory successfully assisted the department in the prosecution of a trader involved in trading of shatoosh shawls by positively identifying the hairs of the endangered Tibetan antelopes constituting the shawls.
年內,化騐所成功協助漁辳処檢控一名涉嫌售賣西藏羚羊披肩的商人。 西藏羚羊屬於高度瀕危絕種動物,受法例保護。 化騐所透過顯微鋻定,証實披肩含有西藏羚羊毛,把商人入罪。